Theodore Robins Ford
Theodore Robins Ford
Car/Auto Service & Repair Car/Auto Sales & Leasing
Theodore Robins Ford is a New and Used Ford Dealer in Orange County serving Costa Mesa, Irvine, and Newport Beach CA. We have a nice selection of New and Used cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. At Theodore Robins Ford we are committed to providing exceptional customer service to every guest that visits our Ford Dealership. If you’re looking for a vehicle that’s one thing, however if you’re looking for a new or used car, truck, van, or SUV with amazing customer service, then visit us today and see the difference in how we treat our guest. Need Auto Financing and have bad credit? At Theodore Robins Ford we know that everyone’s credit is not perfect. We have car financing options that can provide you with affordable monthly payments and minimal down payments with competitive interest rates. We have been completely satisfying customers since 1921